Birth Packages
We offer a range of packages tailored to your needs.
This is our standard doula birth package to support you to prepare your body and mind for the birth of your precious baby. There are two antenatal visits arranged with you in the comfort of your own home, or via zoom if you prefer, to discuss your birthing preferences, all your options including comfort measures and pain relief, tips on how to cope with labour and birth, the fourth trimester, especially looking at your expectations versus reality. There is also one postnatal visit to your home to take time to chat about your birth, your baby and you! This package includes consultations by telephone, text messages and email from when you engage your doula until 4 weeks after birth and/or the last postnatal session, whichever is later. Your doula also goes on-call 24/7 to offer continuous support from week 38 of your pregnancy, until the birth of your baby. Your doula stays with you during labour and birth so you are guaranteed continuity of care by someone you already know well, and who you have chosen to support you at this intimate, life-changing period in your life. Investment £800
This includes the offer of the free use of the CUB birthing stool, birthing pool and TENS machine if you wish. The only extra cost to you is to purchase the required one-off parts such as pads for the TENS machine (£5), and birth pool supplies (£50).
This is a great upgrade on the EMERALD package as it is our shared care option when you get two doulas supporting you together. Shared care is a wonderful way to benefit from the many skills and experience we provide as a collective. Two of our doulas will support you through pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period. Both doulas will attend your antenatal and postnatal visits. From 38 weeks your doulas will work on a rota basis with one doula guaranteed to be with you at the birth of your baby. Another advantage is that we can tag-tail each other, so we can be refreshed and have a break if your labour goes on longer than 24 hours. You will always have consistency of care as there will one or other of us with you at all times.
This is a double doula package to enhance your support, nurturing and reassurance. Investment £1000
This is the full EMERALD package plus a full HypnoBirthing course, including all the relevant materials. This includes an additional 4-5 sessions, and may even be facilitated by your chosen doula, so you can really build on your connection. Investment £950
If you are towards the end of your pregnancy and you are struggling to find the support you need. We can be there for you!
This is last minute birth doula support in person during your labour and birth only. The package includes a call to discuss your birthing preferences and last minute arrangements and it is available for bookings after 36 weeks of pregnancy. Any additional meetings are charged separately. Investment £600
Please do not let the cost of a doula ever stop you from reaching out for doula support. We are always happy to discuss your personal circumstances and work with you to find a way to have the support you deserve, even if it means offering a reduction to the cost. Access to Doula UK Access Fund and other financial support may also be available.